CNRS Tokyo Office for North-East Asia

Japan – Taiwan – South Korea


CNRS is the main partner for scientific cooperation
between France and North-East Asia

CNRS News in Japan, Taiwan and South Korea

Logos of the University of Tokyo and CNRS for their Joint PhD program

"France Excellence Japon" Scholarships 2025

The French Embassy in Japan has just announced the launch of the “France Excellence Japon” Scholarships programme 2025. 

This programme is a major tool for academic and scientific cooperation between France and Japan, supporting mobility of Japanese students and young researchers to higher education and research establishments in France.

Deadline: 20 November 2024

For more information:

Logos of the University of Tokyo and CNRS for their Joint PhD program

ILANCE IRL welcomes 9 students from Ecole Polytechnique (Japan)

Specialising in elementary particle physics, cosmology and astrophysics, the ILANCE laboratory at the University of Tokyo and the CNRS is hosting nine École polytechnique students on a four-month research placement this year.

The students will each work on a research project and learn about scientific research methods in the physics of the two infinities at this international laboratory based on the campus of the University of Tokyo. A great opportunity for these Polytechnique engineers in the making.

From Ecole Polytechnique’s full article on:


Logos of the University of Tokyo and CNRS for their Joint PhD program

International Emerging Actions (IEA) call for projects – 2024

Logos of the University of Tokyo and CNRS for their Joint PhD program

PHC SAKURA 2025 is OPEN! (Japan)

Sakura is the Franco-Japanese Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC), a cooperation programme for science and technology. It is implemented in Japan by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and in France by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR).

This annual call for projects is aimed at researchers based in a French research in France, who wish to develop a collaboration with a partner in Japan.

Application deadline: 3 September 2024

More information on the Campus France website:

Logos of the University of Tokyo and CNRS for their Joint PhD program

EIG CONCERT-Japan 11th call (Japan)

EIG CONCERT-Japan has announced the opening of its 11th joint call for proposals titled Digital Transformations and Robotics in Sustainable Agriculture.

Research projects with an innovative dimension will be funded for a period of three years. The research projects are expected to have mobility and networking dimensions apart from the core research component. Each project consortium applying for this call should consist of at least three partners, including one from Japan and two from two different European countries participating in the call.

Proposals from interested researchers are now accepted, starting from Tuesday, May 14 until Tuesday, July 23rd (10.00 CEST).

More information about the call:

Logos of the University of Tokyo and CNRS for their Joint PhD program

Workshop “Bi-dimensional carbon materials and beyond: synthesis, properties and biomedical applications” with the IRL MULTIDIM (Japan)

The International Research Project entitled MULTIDIM (CNRS Laboratory “Immunology, Immunopathology and Therapeutic Chemistry” (UPR3572) and Okayama University) has organized in June the multidisciplinary International Workshop “Bi-dimensional carbon materials and beyond: synthesis, properties and biomedical applications” in Japan (Yubara Communication Center, Maniwa city).

Chaired by Alberto Bianco and Yuta Nishina, this event brought together twenty-seven French and Japanese senior scientists and young researchers (Master, PhD students and Assistant Professors) to discuss the recent advances on the use of nanomaterials and nanoparticles in the fields of cancer therapy, imaging, biosensing, biomaterials, dentistry, and environmental toxicity. Three French (Reiko Oda, Ala Le Goff, and Emmanuel Flahaut) and five Japanese invited scientists (Naoki Komatsu, Eri Hirata, Yuta Takano, Takuro Niidome, and Eijiro Miyako) presented their recent findings, alternated by nine orals, and contributed to the scientific discussions around the posters presented by the students and Assistant Professors.

These two fruitful days were aimed also to reinforce current collaborations, to nurture new partnerships and the possibility of future young scientists’ and students’ exchanges between French and Japanese Laboratories.

Launch of the new JFAST laboratory

3rd call for the CNRS-University of Tokyo PhD Joint Program (Japan)

The third call for proposals of the CNRS-University of Tokyo PhD Joint Program is now open!

This program aims to fund joint research projects between French and Japanese researchers for 3 years and includes funding for PhD students. Up to 5 projects will be selected.

This call is open to, but not limited to, research projects in the following focus areas:

  • Social Science
  • Data-driven interdisciplinary challenges in Earth observation & environment
  • AI for Science, Science for AI
  • Energy transition

The focus areas will also include projects in collaboration with CNRS-UTokyo International Research Laboratories (LIMMS, JFLI, ILANCE, DYNACOM and FJLMI).

Deadline: 12 January 2024

Read the call guidelines (pdf)


Logo of JSPS, scaled

JSPS-CNRS calls are open! (Japan)

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) offers Standard Program scholarships for young researchers wishing to carry out a research internship in a Japanese laboratory.
  • Standard: up to 2 years (deadline: 6 November 2023)
  • Short-Term: up to 1 year (deadline: 8 November 2023)
  • Summer: 2 months (deadline: 12 December 2023)

Read all the information on CNRS International website

EIG CONCERT-Japan logo

Celebrating 30 years of collaboration with NSTC (Taiwan)

On September 18th 2023, more than 50 French and Taiwanese researchers could highlight their joint work, in the presence of CNRS CEO and Chaiman Antoine Petit and National Science and Technology Council Vice-Minister Chern Yi-Juang. The two institutions also renewed their bilateral MoU.
Logos of the University of Tokyo and CNRS for their Joint PhD program

CNRS-UTokyo 2nd International Research Center meeting (Japan)

CNRS and The University of Tokyo held their second strategic meeting (International Research Center/IRC) on October 3rd 2023!
On this occasion, a new international research laboratory in the field of mathematics was created in the presence of Antoine Petit (CNRS) and Teruo Fujii (UTokyo).
Logo of JST, scaled

A new French-Japanese laboratory for particle physics (Japan)

The CNRS is joining forces with the KEK laboratory in Japan to create a new, cutting-edge international laboratory for particle physics. Its physicists will search for processes beyond the Standard Model, which is the current framework for describing the infinitely small. It is the CNRS’s 10th international laboratory in Japan.

More details in the press release

Logo of IFRJ

1st Symposium of European Researchers in Japan

Sciencescope – the Association for French-speaking students and researchers in JapanAce Japón – Asociación de Científicos Españoles en Japón, the Association of Italian Researchers in Japan (AIRJ), and the German JSPS Alumni Association, are pleased to invite you to a European Research Day organized with the support of the Diplomatic Service of the European Union. The event will take place at Europea House in Tokyo on Saturday, October 21, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Program and registration

Logos of the University of Tokyo and CNRS for their Joint PhD program

International Conference on the Physics of the Two Infinites (Japan)

International Research Laboratory ILANCE between CNRS Institute of Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics and The University of Tokyo organizes a conference on the physics of the two infinites next spring on 27-30 March 2023 in Kyoto, Japan.

 Registration and details

Japan temple in Kyoto

Scientific photo contest "Yugen Hidden Beauty of Science" 3rd edition (Japan)

The French-Japanese Scientific Photo Contest “Yugen Hidden Beauty of Science” organized by the Office for Science and Technology at the Embassy of France to Japan is now holding its 3rd edition!

The aim of this contest is to showcase French-Japanese scientific cooperation by presenting images from research or R&D projects involving French and Japanese researchers or engineers (including students).

Vote for your favorite image until late September!

Details on the contest website

#RésultatScientifique 🔎

↔️Une étude récente dévoile le concept de co-culture, adaptation réciproque de comportements entre espèces partageant un environnement, qui permet de mieux appréhender la coexistence humains-animaux en ville.🏙️


Ouverture de l’appel à projets 2025 Partenariat Hubert Curien SAKURA 🇫🇷🇯🇵.
📅 Date limite de dépôt des dossiers de candidature : 3 septembre 2024.
Pour en savoir plus ⤵️

The IRL ILANCE (@CNRS 🇫🇷/ @UTokyo_News_en 🇯🇵) is glad to welcome 9 students from @Polytechnique for research internships focusing on #physics of the two infinities.
Learn more about their project in the following article (FR)⤵️

Le réseau de recherche international RIMS-@CNRS_INSMI #AHGTmath explore l'héritage grothendieckien avec l'école anabélienne japonaise, et ses interactions avec les variantes homologiques (mtifs, représentations,...) @CNRSinJapan

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