French Japanese Laboratory in Mathematics and its



Date of creation: October 2023

CNRS Institute: CNRS Mathematics

French director: Michael PEVZNER

Japanese partner: The University of Tokyo

Japanese co-director: Toshiyuki KOBAYASHI

Expected staff: TBD


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A class at the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, in 2008.


    The CNRS and the University of Tokyo started up, in the framework of their common Research Center, a new International Research Laboratory in Mathematics and its applications. This joint research unit aims to strengthen existing collaborative networks in Pure and Applied Mathematics and develop new ones. Its scientific activities will focus on following four axes:

    • Arithmetic geometry, motives, p-adic and étale cohomology, p-adic Langlands correspondence, p-adic Hodge theory and p-adic Galois representations;
    • Branching problems for infinite dimensional representations of Lie groups, discrete groups actions on homogeneous spaces, dynamics and spectral theory of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds, arithmetic D-modules, representation theory of Kac-Moody superalgebras;
    • Analysis of inverse problems for evolutionary PDE and applications, controllability of PDE;
    • Reaction-Diffusion systems and propagation phenomena, interface dynamics and applications in Biology and Ecology, modelling optimization and applications to biophysics and medicine, population dynamics and evolutionary biology, hydrodynamic limits and equilibrium fluctuations for interacting particle systems, age-structured epidemic models for the demographic transition.

    The Laboratory targets several types of actions:

    • hosting long-term French visitors by offering them optimal conditions to carry out projects with Japanese partners;
    • organizing, jointly with the University of Tokyo, special semesters in order to disseminate the latest advances and bring out new research topics;
    • creating joint Ph.D programs;
    • offering attractive job opportunities for Post-doctroral researchers.



    • Arithmetic and algebraic geometry
    • Lie theory, Geometric group theory, Representation theory
    • Analysis and control of PDE, Applied Inverse problems
    • Interactions with Biology and Life Sciences





    • CNRS Mathematics


    • The University of Tokyo (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences)